Artists as Climate Activists Green entrepreneurs

The A(rt)ction project can be seen as a challenge-born solution towards contributing to a more sustainable future.

We capitalize on the influential power of arts and green entrepreneurship to raise awareness about environmental issues and foster positive behavioral change.

About Us

A(rt)ction for climate change

A(rt)ction stands for Art and Action.

The A(rt)ction Project aspires to make young artists fight climate change via entrepreneurial ways, as the new green actors of change.

Partner Organizations
Stakeholders reached
1 k+

The Challenge

The environmental challenge posed by climate change may involve dire consequences for the lives of many living species on our planet. It is now well understood that we need a sustainable future, and for that, we also need a society-wide shift in our environmental attitudes. To effect such a radical shift, building awareness around climate change among all social groups and communities must happen as a collaborative, multidisciplinary effort.

The combination of the need to fight climate change, together with the artists’ need to belong to a bigger community and be trained on how to trigger environmental change is what makes the essence of A(rt)ction.

Where We Step In

With the A(rt)ction project, we aim to put visual artists at the heart of the environmental movement and strengthen their role in raising awareness on climate change and encouraging sustainable social, economic, and environmental practices worldwide.

Who is a(rt)ction for?

A(rt)ction engages three diverse stakeholder groups, that are active either in the field of arts and arts education or environmental work.


Behavioral Change

Enable behavioral changes for individual preferences, consumption habits, and lifestyle by training and educating young visual artists and youth workers on how to be true agents of change and green entrepreneurial practitioners.

Youth Initiative

Promote green entrepreneurship and creative learning among youth.

Educate young artists and youth workers to become true agents of change and help in addressing the challenges of climate change.

Quality Innovation & Exchange

Increase of quality innovation and recognition of youth work (of art) as well as the productive knowledge exchange, and the stimulation of intercultural dialogue with people across Europe, including those living in rural and remote areas.

Our Partners

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Facebook: Artction for Climate Change
Instagram: art.ction